
In this part of the world, death is not only seen as a party killer, it is still a taboo subject. You don‘t die that quickly‘ is a German saying, and it‘s a lie. The statistics are simple. 100 out of 100 people die. And yet it is still often frowned upon to talk openly about death, and people look at you helplessly and say ‚it‘ll be OK‘ because they don‘t know what else to do. Death is inseparable from life. Life and death are always side by side. And behind it all is love.
- When it comes to death and loss, there are feelings that make you feel strange about yourself. The book helps you to acknowledge your own feelings, because it consists of short stories that combine these feelings with light humour or irony.
- The book becomes a dialogue partner. As a viewer, you can add something of your own to the cyanotypes, while the texts should lead you to observe your own feelings.
- The book is aimed at people who have to or want to come to terms with death. It opens windows you can look through, but don‘t have to, and sometimes you can even climb through.
We are never alone with what life has in store for us. This is something I too have had to learn over many years. The treasures and upheavals of life deserve the highest value and love we can give them. Cyanotype - painting with light shining through the negative to show the dark areas - and writing short stories are the right channel for me to express my own and others‘ feelings about death.
Natalie Stahl: Wave
2025 (unpublished)
18 x 25 cm
Mail: info@nataliestahl.de
Web: www.nataliestahl.de
Instagram: @nataliestahl_
2025 (unpublished)
18 x 25 cm
Mail: info@nataliestahl.de
Web: www.nataliestahl.de
Instagram: @nataliestahl_