Spaghetti Science
„Spaghetti Science“ takes the young reader through the story of spaghetti: from its origin to production, distribution, and finally preparation, through playful illustrations aimed to inform and excite. The kinaesthetic and transformative process of cooking is, I believe, very important and fascinating for children. The aim of this book is to offer context and allow the reader to make connections between daily tasks, and to fun while doing them. It is not only a recipe book, but also illustrates the journey our food goes on before it lands on our plates and eventually in our tummies.
- Colorful and exciting way to teach children a useful skill
- Shows the beauty and excitement in cooking
- Ideal for being read aloud and to follow along when using the recipe
I am from Seattle, USA, and moved to Berlin 5 years ago to study Communication Design at FH Potsdam, and to work in innovative and esteemed restaurants. I currently live in Milan where I am completing my 7th semester at Politecnico di Milano, and eating as much as possible. I love to cook and conscioulsy bring irony and humor into my illustrations and daily life. Additionally, I love spaghetti.
Lucia Rush-Gleissner: Spaghetti Science
2024 (unpublished)
28 x 21 cm
42 pages
Offset Printing, Hardcover
instagram: @luciarush
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