Snake, where are you going?

“Snake, Where Are You Going?” follows a curious and determined snake as it encounters a clever little mouse. When the mouse slips away into a hidden hole, the chase leads them both deep underground, into a twisting labyrinth of tunnels. Though the snake can't see where the mouse has gone, it’s far from helpless. Where will its senses guide it?
- A story about trusting your senses
- Information about snakes
- Colorful illustrations
Hey there! I'm Gloria, a design student at the FH Potsdam. I’ve called Berlin home since 2020, though I’m originally from Mexico. My older brother always knew I was gonna be so interested in illustration, I mean, from a young age I could draw for hours and do his art homework for fun. So, it felt only natural to follow my instincts and dive into the world of design.
Gloria Emma Corrales Palazuelos: Snake, where are you going?
2025 (unpublished)
210 mm x 297 mm
32 Pages
Oil pastels
2025 (unpublished)
210 mm x 297 mm
32 Pages
Oil pastels